Looking for a job - Cumbria

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
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Item details

City: Cumbria, England
Salary: £3


Contact name Prefer not to say.

Item description

I'm a thirteen year old from Whitehaven, Cumbria looking for a job. I am currently in year nine so I don't have any qualifications, but I am studying GCSE maths, ICT, r.e, travel and tourism and BTEC applied sciences (chemistry, physics and biology.) I am in top sets for my lessons and a hard working pupil. My friend is also looking for a job, she is also in year nine and studies GCSE triple sciences, maths, r.e, ICT and classics. We don't mind what job we have we just want a chance to get experience, a little bit of money and points for university. We would also love it if you are kind enough to give us a job in our local area's (Whitehaven or workington) town centre.
I understand that we are curently in a recession but we would apresicate the chance to get a job and we would be very loyal workers.
Thanks for reading.